12 Middle States Standards for Accreditation Parent Survey

Dear José Martí STEM Academy Parents,
Our school is currently undergoing the process of becoming accredited by the Middle States and we need your help!
As the school proceeds through the accreditation process, an important measure of the school’s “current reality” is assessing itself against the 12 Middle States Standards for Accreditation. These standards and indicators take a holistic look at the entire school program, resources, and environment from the perspective of all of the school’s stakeholders—parents, students, staff, and others. In order to be (re)accredited the school must meet or exceed the 12 Middle States Standards for Accreditation.
We are asking you to please complete a survey where you will be asked to assess the level at which the school meets each indicator for every Standard.
Please be as honest as possible and include appropriate comments. The school’s Planning Team will use the results of the survey to identify areas for growth and improvement and areas of strength.
Your input is necessary to make these results reflect all perspectives within your school community.
Thank you for your continued support in helping José Martí STEM Academy succeed.